On days.

For on day’s backup creation, mark the switcher with on days and push the Next button Кнопка Далее.

On the next master step, choose the database, periodicity in days, time and directory way of backup file.


Base choice Открытие окна Выбор базы данных. - button clique, open the similar window.

In a window Base choice, choose the base name from the list, for those backup will be create, and push the Apply button.

Выбор базы данных


Choose one of the variant with the help of the switcher.

Every day – Create the archive every day.
Each day – periodicity is set, for example every second day.
On days off – create backup only on weekend and holiday day.

In the editable field Hour, Min, type required time, in what period the task must be accomplished.

You also can set the periodicity in hours.

Button clique ПроводникOpen explorer, open explorer window, where you must to choose folder way in which the achieve file will be done.

The next step is information only, and serves for displaying task properties, chosen earlier. If the task is made correctly, push the Apply button.

If you want to edit some properties, push the Back button , to change.